Sweet Luna


Email me at sweetlunahomemade@gmail.com to inquire about custom cookie order

Cookie Info & Pricing

Thanks for visiting! Sweet Luna Cookies are made from scratch vanilla sugar cookies, decorated with vanilla royal icing. The price of decorated sugar cookies greatly depends on the size and level of detail of your design. My custom cookies start at $45 a dozen, with a one dozen minimum. My cookies are made to order using quality ingredients. They are rolled 3/8″ thick and baked to perfection with a butter soft texture with crisp edges, and decorated by hand. My icings are all mixed and color tinted by hand. I don’t use bag mixes, artificial printed image sheets, or imitation extracts, and I don’t take shortcuts. Each cookie is handled as its own individual item, taking the time to make sure they are held to high standards both alone and as a set.

Custom Cookies

Are you looking to commemorate a special occasion or milestone; a birthday, baby shower, or anniversary? Get in touch! I’m happy to help come up with the best plan for your custom cookies to match your theme, occasion and budget. My cookies start at $45 a dozen, with a one dozen minimum.

Introducing Char-cookie-rie!
Are you looking for something different to put out at your party, or are you looking to give a unique hostess gift? Cookie charcuterie, or char-cookie-rie platters are baked fresh for your party, and arranged on a tray, ready to serve or gift!
I offer two sizes:
"Little Luna" 2 dozen, 2" cookies, $48
"Big Luna" 3 1/2 dozen, 2" cookies, $80

Cookies: cheddar cheese, swiss cheese, sausage, brie, two kinds of crackers, green olives and strawberry cookies for garnish.

Sweet Luna LLC is a home based business & operates under the Wisconsin Cottage Food Law. State law requires me to let you know that I bake in a home kitchen that is not inspected by the Wisconsin Department of Health. I can assure you that every possible care is taken to insure clean and sanitary conditions during prep, baking & decorating.